Enquire about this Funny Guy!

A Master of Ceremonies carries the power to shape the entire experience and tone of an event. The response, reaction, and feeling of an audience both during and after an event rests mostly in their hands. Choosing the right MC for your event will be a crucial decision. So, how do you get the perfect […]
The normally docile seaside resort Rosebud got an energy injection Australia Day Eve as three of Funny Guy’s finest comics rocked into town. Dave O’Neil, Lehmo and Lawrence Mooney performed at the Rosebud Hotel to a packed crowd. The 200 plus audience was a mixture of locals and holiday makers, happy to have something to […]
If you’re the person in charge of planning the corporate entertainment, lucky you. Planning a corporate event can be a very challenging task as there’s always lots to consider throughout the entire process. Whether it’s an event where important people within the company will be attending (CEO’s, managers, clients, overseas guests) or a small […]
Sure he sells out festivals around the world and he’s appeared on Conan in the US but the boy from Hoppers Crossing in Melbourne’s West had to start somewhere.
The Fabulous Adam Richard opens up about the first time he took to the stage as well as his stint on Celebrity Splash. Can you guess how many people Adam Richards invited to his first gig? Or who he shared the stage with?
According to Evan he crashed on stage in front of Australia’s biggest car race on the big screen. Croydon Hills Public bar, 2016: Bathurst 1. Evan 0. Even this loveable, comedian has had low days. Watch on as Evan gives us the skinny on his “First and Worst Gig” .
“What’s Your First and Worst Gig?” Country boy Tom Ballard started out young at the stand-up caper. Year 9 to be exact. Penis jokes, pokies venues and penetrating burps are the highs and lows of Tom’s first and worst gigs in his hometown of Warrnambool. This classy and cheeky entertainer has of course come a […]
“What’s Your First and Worst Gig?” Another of Australia’s premier corporate comedians, Lehmo, enters the Funny Guys confessional to talk about their first gig and their worst gig. Every professional comedian has some great gig stories and here Lehmo shares the highs and lows from his very first gig in Adelaide to his memorable Falls […]
Dark winter days have descended upon us but the Funny Guys crew are always ready to bring the laughs and brighten up your events. With June 30 around the corner there are plenty of reasons to smile – Mid Year Sales, Tax time and of course End Of Financial Year parties! Woohoo who doesn’t love […]
Whose Line Is It Anyway host, all round nice guy and top shelf stand up comedian, Tommy Little, talks about the dangers of the late night pub gig.